Saturday, November 30, 2019

Major American Writers Essays (1340 words) - Robert Frost, Frost

Major American Writers Major American Writers The honored title of Major American Writer tends to be ambiguous and ill defined in part because each individual reader holds preconceived notions about what characteristics a writer should possess to be classified as a major author. Every work an author creates combines with the others to form a body of material on which the writer is judged. This class on Major American Writers studied five authors with completely different genres, writing styles, and general appeal. The choice for these particular authors was based on criteria unique to the instructor. Since every reader requires different characteristics, this paper will outline my specific criteria for a Major American Writer and apply those to Robert Frost and Henry James. Frost is a perfect example as defined by my characteristics of a major writer. His work embodies all the features necessary to categorize him as such. While James's work is well critiqued and studied, he does not meet my criteria for a major writer. His work falls short in some of the fundamental requirements. There are four specific criteria by which I define a Major American Writer. The most important for the significance of an author is the relevance of the writings to human nature. Timeless works of literature or poetry connect with the audiences' innermost emotions. The nature of the world is constant change and if the work of an author is not able to transcend the change it will be forgotten or obsolete. One thing constant enough to be the focus of the work is the human condition. Another criterion for a Major American Writer is that the substance of the work must also engage the reader. Writing cannot be effective without an audience. If the author has no impact on people the material written accomplished nothing. Engagement may come about through the entertainment value or intellectual interest, neither being of greater importance. Style as well as substance is necessary when discussing criteria for an author to be a Major American Writer. The technical aspects of a work, such as n arrator and form, are important in a work because they are ways to distinguish a superb writer from a mediocre writer. The last criterion for a Major American Writer is the overall impact on literature. Major authors should have the ability to reshape or redefine literature or public thought in some manner. Considerations of the author's contributions to the genre as well as the world of literature are consequential when deciding to include the writer in the category of a major writer. Not every author who is considered as a major writer needs to totally fulfill all the criteria set forth. There are many other considerations that could qualify an author for this honor. These four conditions are simply a starting point for qualification. The first writer I chose to examine is Robert Frost. He expressly fulfills all four criteria for qualification as a Major American Writer. Many of his poems deal with the innermost workings of the human experience. He beautifully illustrates difficult to explain emotions with prose and poetry. His poem The Road Not Taken reveals the conflict between choices made and choices passed. This is not something easily expressed in words, but Frost eloquently makes his point. The second criterion Frost meets is the engagement of the reader. The excellence in his work lies in the fact that anyone can read and enjoy his writings. There are levels of meaning that can be read in a very basic, literal manner or studied for complexity of meaning so as to engage lay readers or scholars. After Apple-Picking is as much about picking apples as it is about life and death. Frost's writing style also helps his writing to be accessible and to engage the reader. This writing form fulfills the third criterio n for a Major American Writer. His style of blank verse and unrhymed lines give the poetry a tone of normal conversation. The technique is followed almost continually throughout his poetry revealing his dedication to the technical aspect of writing as well as the artistic. Metaphors are present in his work but not dominating to the point of convolution. They relate to the actual events in the

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War Essays

The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War Essays The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War Essay The Relationship Between Spanish Flu and the Experience of the First World War Essay The First World War raged on for four savage and bloody years, claiming lives and destroying the futures of those left behind as survivors.   As the war entered what would be seen in retrospect as its final official year, 1918, another enemy far more elusive and harder to defeat than even the most organized army would emerge on the scene in the guise of the so-called ‘Spanish Flu’.   When this pandemic is examined and discussed in comparison and contrast to the experiences of WWI, a greater understanding of human, international and military history during this pivotal time emerges.   Therefore, in this paper, these topics will be presented and interwoven with the intention, upon completion of the research, of presenting not only a story of history, but also one of humanity. An Examination of ‘Spanish Flu’ When conducting research into the ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic of 1918-1919, one literally finds thousands of sources of information about the clinical aspects of the illness, death tolls, and the like, but information regarding the true origin of this spreading of the influenza virus is typically a bit harder to find, but worth the search, for when the facts are presented, the reality of what has been falsely attributed to a Spanish origin can be seen to actually be anything but Spanish in retrospect. ‘Spanish Flu’, as was suggested earlier, does not exist; as a matter of fact, the strain of influenza that was given this name actually can be traced back to an American army camp in the spring of 1918; from that camp, the sickness was carried to France by Expeditionary Forces that were allied with the French in the fighting of the war (Phillips, et al).   If this information is in fact accurate, the question arises as to how/why the name ‘Spanish’ was attached to this flu at all.   The truth of the matter is in fact multi-faceted. Generally, the world attitude toward Spain in regard to WWI was not favorable, due to the fact that the nation chose not to take a side in the war, and perhaps even more importantly, did not offer any troops, financial support, or equipment to anyone involved in the war effort itself (Larson); therefore, the stage was set for a great deal of resentment toward Spain for what was perceived as a lack of involvement in the war effort.   Moreover, during the time of WWI, when so many other nations were on the brink of destruction and bankruptcy, Spain was in fact enjoying a fair level of financial prosperity.   Whether this was due to a lack of involvement in the war is still a point of debate, but a logical conclusion can be drawn that the economy and populous of Spain would have been worse off had the nation been engaged in WWI. As news of the safety and prosperity of the Spanish nation began to spread throughout the war-stricken parts of Europe, a great deal of people, seeking to escape the ravages of war and take advantage of economic opportunity, immigrated to Spain (Page).   Because of this massive influx of people, the cities of Spain soon became less than desirable in terms of crowded living conditions, sanitation, and the like- a breeding ground for disease.   Upon this stage, sources indicate that many French refugees came to Spain, and many of these individuals were carriers of the influenza that has been traced back to American soldiers; therefore, the flu ravaged Spain and was exported when people, who did not have familial or economic ties to Spain, came and went with regularity.   In this sense, the biggest export from Spain at the time was in fact the flu, but it was not due to any action or inaction on the part of the Spanish people, government, or medical system.   The reality is that this flu could actually be more accurately called the ‘American Flu† if the criterion for naming it is the nation/nationality that originated the sickness in the first place. The Spanish press of the day can also be seen to have played a role in the creation of the term ‘Spanish Flu’.   Once the illness had begun to heavily affect those living in Spain, whether they were citizens, of Spanish descent or not, the national newspapers carried extensive accounts of the experiences of those afflicted, death tolls, and other associated news items (Phillips, et al).   The reality is that whatever the intention of Spanish reporters sensationalistic or not, the net effect was to give Spain an unfair burden of guilt as the â€Å"creators† of the influenza epidemic which began in 1918. The Experience of the First World War The experience of   WWI was more complex than one may imagine, even from its beginning, and once again, research reveals that much lurks beneath the surface of the traditional version of how the war started and progressed.   There was more to the onset of the war then the event of an Austrian prince being   murdered in Serbia, as is what most people consider to be the cause of World War I.   Ã‚  Furthermore, the effects of the war were not just concentrated to a post-war era lasting for a generation of Westerners.   Rather, it was the breaking point for Austria in its dealings with Serbia. The truth of the matter is that several factors played a role in the outbreak of the war.   WWI truly was the result of building aggressions among the countries of Europe which was backed by the rise of nationalism. To add to the disastrous pot, there was also imperial competition along with the fear of war prompting military alliances and arms  Ã‚  race.   All of these increased the escalating tensions that lead to the outbreak of WWI (Higham, et al). Another experience to come out of WWI was the first of what would become many â€Å"arms races†. With the hostile divisions of the nations of Europe   there came the expansion of armies and navies. Furthermore, the great powers came to copy Germany’s military   organization and efficiency, which called for universal registration for military duty, large reserves and detailed planning (Coetzee, et al). Efforts were made for universal disarmament, but the escalation of weapons continued unrestricted, much like a case of history repeating itself, when looked upon from the perspective of the arms races of today. The extreme popularity of the development of more and more weapons during the WWI era also served as a catalyst for another occurrence which even today is viewed as barbaric and unacceptable in virtually all war situations- chemical weapons and warfare.   Much like the more aptly named ‘American Flu’ used a naturally occurring situation to claim millions of lives, the scientists of the WWI era began to harness the power of chemical reactions to create weapons such as Mustard Gas, which would, without distinction between soldiers and civilians, literally poison men, women, and children en masse.   In fact, there is also evidence to suggest that these chemical weapons were not originated by crazed military geniuses, but rather were based upon the discoveries and studies conducted by some of the most brilliant minds of chemistry, found in the universities of the world (Russell).   In an ironic twist, chemicals originally formulated as pesticides, ostensibly to improve the lives of individuals, were adapted for the purposes of war and killing people by the thousands, indiscriminately (Russell). The experience of WWI also set the stage for some of the worst events that would befall human history in the decades to come.   In 1929 the American stock market came to a   crashing halt.   With the financial crisis also came a decrease of production, and naturally this lead to widespread unemployment. The era of the Great Depression was also the era of the rise of political dictatorship throughout Europe. These dictatorships involved a new form of tyranny and were most evident in the rise of Nazi Germany and particularly, Adolf Hitler. It is believed by many that Hitler would never have came to power if it had not been for the sounding defeat and humiliation of Germany as the result of WWI and its immediate aftermath (Luckhurst). Interrelationship Between The Elements Looking at the relationship between the experiences of what is commonly called ‘Spanish Flu’ and World War I, there are both concrete and abstract relationships between the two that emerge, and can be identified and discussed. First, the concrete associations between these elements virtually jump out at even the most casual researcher, and the parallels manifest themselves: both elements grew with tremendous ferocity to claim millions of lives, and leave behind nothing but misery and sadness for the survivors, most of whom spent the rest of their lives trying to understand exactly what happened, why it happened, and what can be done to prevent such a horrible tragedy from ever showing itself again.   Both elements, once they reached full speed so to speak, were unstoppable, and had to quite literally â€Å"run their course† before they subsided (Coetzee).   Moreover, both of these provided hollow victories, for both war and disease would emerge time and time again, and do so even in the 21st century.   Likewise, war and disease evolved for the worse during the time of WWI, and no one was able to find a way to complete erase either from the face of the earth. More abstract relationships between the two can also be seen; perhaps one of the most interesting common threads can be seen in the role of the media in both events.   In the case of the influenza outbreak, evidence presented earlier in this paper showed that the frenzy that was generated by the media led to the misnaming of the so-called ‘Spanish Flu’, and no amount of attempts to correct the error, after being placed in the minds of the people by the media of the day, could reach any level of effectiveness.   Also, those who carried the flu, as was also discussed earlier, were likely attracted to Spain in the first place by the media accounts of safety, freedom and economic prosperity in Spain, while the majority of the rest of the world was in the grips of a war that had the potential to destroy everyone and everything.   Therefore, it would not be too much of a leap to say that the media carried the influenza epidemic as much as the human body did. From an abstract viewpoint, the overall idea of frailty of human life is also critically important.   In an old adage, whose originator is lost to obscurity, it was once said that â€Å"man plans- God laughs†, meaning that for all that we think we control in the human condition, essentially, we in reality control very little.   Keeping this in mind, whether one is talking about a chemical weapon, human illness, or the natural tendency of man to conflict with other men in a pursuit of power and control of the physical world, there are some elements which are uncontrollable, no matter what one may attempt to manipulate.  Ã‚   As much as the human race may kid itself, and lull into a false sense of security by thinking that everything is in control and that the future can be at its brightest, the reality is that nothing is for certain.   Disease and war, as presented in this paper, are prime examples of this. Conclusion This paper has shown the concrete and abstract associations between war and disease, as well as the complexities of the human condition.   In closing, perhaps the best information that can be drawn from the research is that the human race, as has been said time and time again, must either learn from history or be condemned to repeat it.   Perhaps, finally, no wiser words have ever been said.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Origin of OK

Origin of OK Origin of OK Origin of OK By Maeve Maddox The word OK has found its way into just about every language on earth. Although it’s usually written in all capitals and pronounced as separate letters, OK is a word and not an acronym, although it began as one. The most likely origin of OK is as an acronym for â€Å"Oll Korrect,† a deliberate misspelling of â€Å"all correct.† In the years before the American Civil War (1861-1864), journalists thought it was great fun to misspell words for comic effect. Writer Charles Farrar Browne  (1834-1867),  for example, wrote political humor under the byline Artemus Ward. Abraham Lincoln is said to have been one of his greatest fans. Here’s a passage in which he takes a stand against secession: Feller Sitterzens: I am in the Sheer Yeller leaf.   I shall peg out 1 of these dase.   But while I do stop here I shall stay in the UnionI shall stand by the Stars Stripes.   Under no circumstances whatsomever will I sesesh.   Let every Stait in the Union sesesh let Palmetter flags flote thicker nor shirts on Square Baxters close line, still will I stick to the good old flag.   Translation: Fellow Citizens: I am in the sere and yellow leaf [I’m old]. I shall peg out [die] one of these days.  But while I do remain here I shall stay in the UnionI shall stand by the American flag.   Under no circumstances whatsoever will I secede.   Let every State in the Union secede and let Palmetto flags float thicker than shirts on Squire Baxters clothes line, still will I stick to the good old flag.    Note: â€Å"The sere and yellow leaf† is an allusion to a line from Macbeth. The Palmetto flag was the state flag of South Carolina; it was flying over Fort Sumter on the day the Union garrison surrendered to Confederate forces. Squire Baxter is a fictional character of Ward’s invention. Ward was not the only writer to adopt deliberate misspelling as a stylistic device. By 1839, the misspelling â€Å"oll korrect† for â€Å"all correct† had been compressed to O.K. and was familiar to newspaper readers on the East Coast at least: Boston Evening Transcript 11 Oct. 2/3, 1839.  Our Bank Directors have not thought it worth their while to call a meeting, even for consultation, on the subject. It is O.K. (all correct) in this quarter. –OED citation. When O.K. became associated with the presidential campaign of Martin Van Buren (1782-1862), its use spread throughout the nation. One of Van Buren’s campaign ploys was to associate himself as much as possible with the previous president, Andrew Jackson. Jackson had been known affectionately as â€Å"Old Hickory,† so Van Buren came up with the nickname â€Å"Old Kinderhook,† an allusion to the small New York town that was his birthplace. The abbreviation O.K. for â€Å"Old Kinderhook† became a rallying cry and a logo. The press lost no time in connecting the O.K. of Van Buren’s political slogan with the O.K. that stood for â€Å"all correct.† By the end of the campaign, â€Å"O.K.† was entrenched in American English throughout the country. In addition to its adjectival uses to denote things that are â€Å"all correct,† OK is also used as noun, verb, adverb, and interjection. Note on the word â€Å"acronym† In general usage, acronym refers to words or letter groupings like FBI, TGIF, NATO, and LASER. Some speakers prefer to reserve the word acronym for words like NATO that can be pronounced as words and use the term initialism for letter groupings that are pronounced as a series of letters, like FBI. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?Used To vs. Use To5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Ch 41 dis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ch 41 dis - Essay Example ence liable for payment of USD 473, 790.18 towards response costs out of the total response costs amounted to USD 1,302,290.18 (Antitrust Division 2003). The share of response payment cost towards Alcan was only 5% of the defendant pool. Furthermore, it seems that Alcans share of liability is distributed on a contributory basis (Antitrust Division 2003). The court further observed that determination of harm is indivisible and it will not frustrate the right of a defendant to seek fair share of response cost from other defendants, as the contribution proceeds is on equitable footing. The court permitted to allocate response cost amongst the responsible where the court has no discretion to determine division of response cost (Antitrust Division 2003). Antitrust Division. United States v. Alcan Inc., Alcan Aluminum Corp., Pechiney, S.A., and Pechiney Rolled Products, LLC; Complaint, Proposed Final Judgment and Competitive Impact Statement. Federal Registrar, 2003. Accessed 7 July 2012.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Business law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Business law - Assignment Example In his mind, he thinks that the car is in good condition. By bad luck, the mechanical problem re-occurs two days later and consequently, the car is involved in road carnage. The taxi driver evaluates the problem and come to a conclusion that the car had the mechanical problem before the purchase. The seller by omitting the true mechanical condition of the car violated the Contract Law (Marson 352). Contract Law is a group of regulations that guide buyers and sellers on how to conduct their business. Legal actions are taken in case one party violates the Contract Law. Therefore, the taxi driver will use the Contract Law in court to against the car seller. The law allows the payment of any loss or damage caused by omission of vital information by the seller. However, the buyer must prove that the Contract Law was indeed violated. The Contract Law has four main elements. The first element is the offer given by the seller with conditions of the item on sale, the price, and the date by which the offer will expire. The second element of Contract Law is acceptance. The buyer accepts the conditions given and registers the intention to buy the item. The third element is the legal agreement. The buyer and the seller make a legal binding. The last element is consideration where the buyer pays or gives a later date to pay the item on sale. In the case between the car seller and the taxi driver, the offer given did not include the poor condition of the car intentional (Marson 352). The taxi driver bought it at the worth of a car with good conditions. He joins into a legal agreement and makes payment only to realize that the car had mechanical problems two days later. The seller violated the Contract Law by giving false information about his car and is supposed to pay the damages and the loss incurred by the taxi driver. However, the chances of the taxi driver winning this case are

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Essay Example for Free

Chilean Copper Mine Collapse Essay On August 5, 2010, employees of Minera San Esteban Primera woke up, stretched out, bathed, ate breakfast, and walked around their assuredly modest homes. They said their casual goodbyes to family as they headed off to yet another dark day at work deep in the San Jose copper mine in northern Chile. Little did they know it would be the last time for nearly two months they would see the light of day. These same blessings of life they most likely took for granted earlier that day to be able to stretch out, to bathe, to eat, and to walk around in the comfort of their own homes would be taken from them unexpectedly later that same day. Some time around the miners lunch time on August 5, 2010, the upper galleries of the private copper mine collapsed trapping the miners. Many on the outside feared the worst. After all, when the collapse occurred the miners should have been in or near the hazard zone on their way out for their lunch break. Furthermore, with limited necessities such as food, water, and oxygen it was unknown whether the miners could have survived. Liliana Ramirez, the wife of one of the oldest minders trapped, said she had faith all along that they were still alive and that she knew that her husband would never let his fellow workers perish (Hughes, 2010). Families of the missing miners, like Liliana Ramirez, started gathering and camping out at the mines surface since the collapse was first disclosed. Finally, 17 days after the collapse occurred, on August 22, 2010, the 33 trapped miners were discovered alive and doing considerably well. Drilling probes discovered the refuge area located 2,297 feet underground (Hughes, 2010). At that time loved ones were able to send inspirational, encouraging, and heart-felt messages down through the probes to their trapped miners. The miners were able to inform those above how they were faring. Upon hearing of her husbands well being, Liliana Ramirez said her message was that she wished him the strength to resist until they can be rescued, and that she loved him (Hughes, 2010). Over the next two months, the miners trapped nearly half a mile below the surface endured trying circumstances. Food supply was extremely limited. Water was obtained from the mines storage tanks that survived the collapse. Sugars, water, and liquid nutrients were sent down to the trapped miners from the surface via tiny bore holes (Barrionuevo, 2011). Risks of additional cave-ins were always present. In fact, just days after the initial search and rescue efforts had begun a second cave-in occurred suspending relief efforts for several hours (Weik, 2010). After nearly two months of being fed by a virtual umbilical cord, overcoming claustrophobia, and wondering if theyd ever see their friends and family again, late in the evening of October 12, 2010, the first miner ascended to the surface and to safety. One by one the remaining 32 miners were lifted through the rescue shaft and were greeted by cheers, hugging, crying, and feelings of elation. The story of the trapped Chilean miners (which actually consisted of 32 Chileans and one Bolivian) was a story that gripped the world. More than 1,400 journalists were present to witness the final rescue operation (Barrionuevo, 2011). Seemingly every race, color, tongue, and ethnicity was engaged one way or another, hoping and praying for a positive outcome. Amid all of the news-worthy stories that capture the audiences attention with their negative trauma-like effect the story of the trapped and rescued Chilean miners stands out. This was a story that united nations. This was a story that was bigger than the color of ones skin, the language one speaks, or the country one calls home. This was a story about the love of mankind, about teamwork, about sacrifice, and about the basic struggle for survival. Final score: Mankind-1, Adversity-0. References Barrionuevo, A. (2011). Chile Mining Accident (2010). http://topics. nytimes. com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/c/chile_mining_accident_2010/index. html Hughes, H. (2010). 33 Trapped Chilean Miners Found Alive, But Could Be Stuck 4 Months. http://abcnews. go. com/International/33-trapped-chilean-miners-found-alive-stu k-months/story? id=11457872 Weik, J. (2010). Over 30 workers trapped after Chilean copper mine collapse. Metal Bulletin Daily, (224), 65. Memo to Families of Employees of Minera San Esteban Primera To Whom It May Concern, As President and CEO of this company I feel a personal responsibility to each and every one of our employees as well as to the welfare of their families. It is with deep concern for each of them and for each of you that I write this memo to inform you of a developing situation. Mid-day today (August 5, 2010) there was an accident in the San Jose mine. The upper galleries of the mine collapsed. 3 of our miners are still unaccounted for. We want to assure you that we are doing everything within our means and ability to expedite relief efforts. At this time of unprecedented disaster we pray for you as well as for the miners. If you have a loved one that may have been stationed in the San Jose mine today we have posted (and will update and maintain) a list of those miners that have been accounted for as well as a list of unaccounted miners on our website. We will not stop, we will not rest, until every miner has been accounted for. Thank you for your prayers and for your cooperation in any relief efforts that are being coordinated.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Process of Photosynthesis :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Process of Photosynthesis Photosynthesis is process by which plants containing chlorophyll make carbohydrates from water and carbon dioxide in the air in the presence of light. Green plants and certain other organisms use the energy of light to convert carbon dioxide and water into the simple sugar glucose. Photosynthesis provides the basic energy source for virtually all organisms. An extremely important byproduct of photosynthesis is oxygen, on which most organisms depend.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Photosynthesis has far-reaching implications. Like plants, humans and other animals depend on glucose as an energy source, but they are unable to produce it on their own and must rely ultimately on the glucose produced by plants. Moreover, the oxygen humans and other animals breathe is the oxygen released during photosynthesis. Humans are also dependent on ancient products of photosynthesis, known as fossil fuels, for supplying most of our modern industrial energy. These fossil fuels, including natural gas, coal, and petroleum, are composed of a complex mix of hydrocarbons, the remains of organisms that relied on photosynthesis millions of years ago. Thus, virtually all life on earth, directly or indirectly, depends on photosynthesis as a source of food, energy, and oxygen, making it one of the most important biochemical processes known.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Plant photosynthesis occurs in leaves and green stems within specialized cell structures called chloroplasts. One plant leaf is composed of tens of thousands of cells, and each cell contains 40 to 50 chloroplasts. The chloroplast, an oval-shaped structure, is divided by membranes into numerous disk-shaped compartments. These dislike compartments, called thylakoids, are arranged vertically in the chloroplast like a stack of plates or pancakes. A stack of thylakoids is called a granum, the grana lie suspended in a fluid known as stroma. Photosynthesis is a very complex process, and for the sake of convenience and ease of understanding, plant biologists divide it into two stages. In the first stage, the light-dependent reaction, the chloroplast traps light energy and converts it into chemical energy contained in nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADPH) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), two molecules used in the second stage of

Monday, November 11, 2019

Introductions to Interviews and Interrogations: False Confessions

In 1988, Ted White was clubbed in the head and face at his mattress business between 12:45 and 1:55 p. m. White died of his injuries three days later and was never able to tell the police officers of the incident. There were no witnesses found and the police never discovered any fingerprints or DNA to help identify the actual perpetrator. Regardless, police originally suspected Matt Mason of the murder but were unable to bring a case against him. Mason and Tinney were acquaintances. Glenn Tinney original pled guilty to the murder of ted white in 1992. There was evidence that was presented at court that got Tinney sentence exonerated. The evidence they had to get his sentence exonerated was the fact that none of the confessions matched the facts of the crime and an Ohio judge reversed Tinney’s conviction. The prosecutor investigator was told Glenn Tinney may know something about Mason’s participation in ted white’s murder, Tinney said that him and mason killed Ted white together but then a couple of days later he said he did the crimes alone. The police also uncovered that Glenn Tinney gave other statements that was not consistent with each other or with the facts of the crime. The court concluded that upon close comparison of Tinney’s confessions, he â€Å"confessed to killing a man he could not identify, for conflicting motives which don’t match the facts, at the wrong time of day, with a weapon that does not match the victim’s injuries, by striking him in the wrong part of the head, and stealing items the victim either still possessed after the attach or probably never possessed. † Because of these reasons, the court said it would be â€Å"manifestly unjust to deny withdraw of the guilty plea† because the confessions did not provide any support for the murder conviction (McGinn, 2013 ).References McGinn, A. (2013 , Feb 6). Ohio IP Exonerates Glenn Tinney in False Confession Case. Retrieved from

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Macroeconomics and its study with relevance to china

SummaryIn accordance to the formulation of latest economic data juxtaposed with macroeconomic principals and theories it can be stated that at the start of 2006, the People's Republic of China officially proclaimed itself as the fourth largest economy, determined by USD-exchange rate leaving behind France and the United Kingdom. The People's Republic of China has an economy, which is graded as the fourth largest economy in the world, when measured by nominal GDP. According to the records of 2005, about 70% of China's GDP is in the private sector.IntroductionAccording to The Star Business, it is estimated by the financial specialists of Pricewaterhouse Coopers that, â€Å"China could overtake the United States by 2025 to be the world’s largest economy and is anticipated to grow to about 130% the size of the United States by 2050†.[1] (The Star, 2008) it can well be stated that the basis of this statement is completely dependent on the microeconomic theories related to fi nance and particularly the quantity theory of money.In general, it can be stated that Macroeconomics is a subdivision of economics that has its transactions with the behavior, structure and performance in terms of regional or national economy. Aggregated indicators price indices, unemployment rates and GDP are the prime factors of this subject along with several other variables such as international finance, international trade, investment, savings, inflation, unemployment, consumption, output and national income.The current article analyzes the trends of Chinese finance market and applies the quantity theory of money and the momentum or velocity of its circulation in Chinese market and beyond. The equation of exchange i.e. M. V=P.Y is applied in this case to yield the forecast. In accordance to the formulation it can be stated that China's National Bureau of Statistics in December 2005 recalculated its 2004 nominal GDP raised by 16.8% or Rmb2, 336.3 billion (US$281.9 billion), maki ng China the 6th largest economy in the world, leave behind Italy, with a GDP of almost $2 trillion USD. At the start of 2006, the People's Republic of China officially proclaimed itself as the fourth largest economy, determined by USD-exchange rate leaving behind France and the United Kingdom. (Edelman, 2005)DiscussionAt the beginning of 2006 China arises as the second largest economy in the world determined by domestic PPP (purchasing power) measure, at about $10 trillion USD, although such approximation must be taken with a great deal of warn as PPP estimation is very vague, more than ever in a huge country like China, Chinese acquiring capacity varies radically between Shanghai and Sichuan, and PPP is immaterial for imported products and overseas acquisitions. By the end of 2008, China foresee (determined by exchange rate) to go beyond Germany as the third largest economy, and to overtake Japan by the year 2015. (IMF, 2007) Thus, it is certain that China is fast becoming a globa l super power, at least economically as the quantity theory of money suggests and as calculated by the financial specialists of Pricewaterhouse based on this theory.The People's Republic of China has an economy, which is graded as the fourth largest economy in the world, when measured by nominal GDP. Its cost-effective productivity for 2006 was $2.68 trillion USD.   Its per capita GDP is rising rapidly. According to the records of 2005, about 70% of China's GDP is in the private sector. The less significant public sector is occupied by about two hundred large state enterprises concerted mainly in utilities, energy resources, and heavy industries.Since 1978 the People's Republic of China (PRC) government has been restructuring its economy from a Soviet-style centrally planned economy, where the state or government have the sole power over the issue of production and takes all decisions about their utilization and about the dissemination of income, to a new market-oriented economy, in which the manufacture and dissemination of goods and services is done through the system of free markets directed by a gratis price system.Within the political skeleton, given by the Communist Party of China this economic system has been termed as Socialism with Chinese characteristics and is a category of mixed economy. Since 1978 after the implementation of these reforms, millions of people have been elevated out of poverty, bringing down the poverty rate from 53% of populace in 1981 to 8% by 2001. (Kar, 2006)Thus it is clearly seen that the velocity of money is fast gaining momentum and when the equation of M. V=P.Y is applied it is clear that growth is tangible and constant.The record of China’s progress over the past two decades has demonstrated naysayer wrong and optimists not positive enough. Upon close assessment, China’s record loses some of its sheen. China’s economic presentation since 1979, for example, is in fact less imposing than that of its Ea st Asian competitors. Regardless of China's distinguished economic progress, its per capita and total GDP growth has been over taken by some nations.From 1999 to 2006, Russia's minimal per capita GDP increased from $1334 to $6879 (515 percent), while that in People's Republic China increased from $870 to $2000 (229 percent). Similarly impressive are some oil producing nations of Middle Eastern, such as Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Brunei. Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, and Angola had outpaced China in utilizing huge energy coffers in the same time.On the other hand, Equatorial Guinea, an African country recorded 79% percent real GDP augmentation in 2004. Even some countries in Asia such as Vietnam have made GDP triple between 1999 and 2006 in ostensible per capita dollar basis, astonishingly more than China. The strength of overall economy is a major determinant of political significance in the present time and China is doing quite well in this prospect. (King, 2006)In adjunct, it must be kept in mind that per capita income in absolute dollars (not percentage) GDP per capita is ascending much rapidly in most of the developed nations of the world than China, on account of China's very low foundation of   income. The Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party a short time ago permitted the draft for the 11th 5-year plan for 2006 – 2010. The plan is intended to achieve a comparatively conventional 45% increase in GDP and 20% decline in energy intensity by 2010.Intriguingly enough, due to its vast population, China's per capita share of world GDP can by no means accomplish the levels of the USA or Japan or some European countries in the 1990's by economic progress alone. Avowed in another way, an average Chinese can never posses the same comparative economic power that possessed by average Americans, Western Europeans, and some Japanese in 1990's. This is demonstrated as Japan had 20% of world GDP in April 1995, with not more than 2% of its population. (Lamb, 2004)ConclusionAs China contains approximately 20% of the world's population, it would require 200% of world GDP to compete with Japan's level by this evaluation in April 1995, which is next to impossible. China’s share of total population of the world would have to reduce in size to well below 10% for this to happen. (Fletcher, 2005) Thus, it is quite clear that microeconomic theories like the quantity theory of money is very relevant in the modern context of financial analysis and forecast and the formulation of the national and economic variables are always dependable. Thus, it is obvious that economic commentaries or economic reports, like the one by The Star, can always be used for the fundamental understanding of macroeconomics and its principals.References:Edelman, S; (2005); Evaluation Techniques in International Business Management; Bloemfontein: ABP LtdFletcher, R; (2005); Principals: Beliefs and Knowledge; Believing and Knowin g; Dunedin: Howard & PriceIMF; 2007; Reports: 2006-2007; Paris: ADM PressKar, P; (2006); History of Industrial Economics and Related Applications; Kolkata: Dasgupta & ChatterjeeKing, H; (2006); Economic Principals Today; Auckland: HBT & Brooks LtdLamb, D; (2004); Cult to Culture: The Development of Civilization on the Strategic Strata; Wellington: National Book Trust[1] The Star; (March 2008); China to be world’s largest economy in 2025; KUALA LUMPUR: thestaronline

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Balance sheet Essays

Balance sheet Essays Balance sheet Essay Balance sheet Essay Despite a challenging year, we managed to attain 8% growth in operating EBITDA and 1 % earnings growth. We are not resting, we are continuing to invest for future growth supported by a strong balance sheet. We are pleased to achieve record sales Of $691 million and record profit before tax of $132 million for the year. We have 561 ISM outlets. China continues to be our No. 1 market where we are in 45 cities with 254 outlets. New products like Leninist Luke, diva, phi, queues Air and shape Music will help us to sustain our dominant position in the market and we will be introducing more innovative products this year. Our NC outlets are doing well. We have a total of 238 NC/Richer outlets in NON Global and we are growing our sales through new products. TAG Tea has 43 outlets. In SQ, we opened 6 new outlets. We are targeting to pen 15 to 20 new outlets this year and are creating new lines of luxury tea. Profit before taxation Taxation Profit for the period D Other comprehensive income: Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Gain on fair value changes of available-for-sale financial asset Rearrangement of defined benefit obligation Foreign currency translation.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Black Death

The Black Death according to many historians does not narrow down to one cause. There have been several interpretations of what has caused the plague. But there have not been different opinions on the effects of the Black Death. The plague has caused a decrease in population; drop in food prices, religious conflicts, and land lost. Historians can conclude with the aftermath of the plague that it was a significant event in which many people were affected.Besides the fact that the Black Death devastated Europe in the medieval times, it also had a powerful impact on population, culture, religion, and economy. The population decreased due to the thousands of deaths caused by The Black Death. The population â€Å"did not recover from the plague, did not resume the skyrocketing demographic curve of the late 13th century† (Cantor 88). It seemed to be estimated that almost 35 million Europeans died from the plague. Late marriages were also a factor that caused the populations not to bounce back from adversity due to the long periods of bachelorhood. Therefore, childbirth was at a smaller percent and if a woman were to be pregnant she would die due to old age. Also, some of the people who were affected by the plague thought it was God punishing them for their sins and how they deserved it. Culture was another aspect of the plague. Many cultures had changed and land was lost. The plague had affected people’s land because of the spread of the disease was already onto the animals. Farmers could not cultivate their farmland or animals because they were dying and then the plague had spread to the landowners. Religion, people viewed the plague as an evil deep inside themselves. They viewed it as God punishing them for their sins so they must ask for forgiveness, donate to the church, and live better lives. Those who were punished by God â€Å"turned to better things in their minds. They abstained from all vice during that time and they lived virtuously; many divided their property among the poor, even before they were attacked by disease (Cantor 247). Flagellants whipped themselves and scourged themselves as penance for their and society’s sins in the belief that the Black Death was God’s way of punishing them. Another thought came across that the Jews had poisoned Christian community wells badly to persecute Jews. This did not help Europe bolster their community back to normal. The economy; due to the shortage of land and people, people were out of pay and prices of food went up. Due to many deaths, there were shortages of goods and then a rise in prices. The prices on wheat, cheese, and meat went up. Majority of farmland was left with no farmer so the food was there to rot. Due to that, people could not provide food for themselves and they had to buy food even though the prices went up; the consumption of meat went up as well. The plague affected Europe’s community so much that people were living different lifestyles, from growing there own food to surviving on high priced food while sick. Cantor writes from a Political history view as well as a Cultural historical view. Political History is â€Å"the narrative and analysis of political events, ideas, movements, and leaders. It is distinct from, but related to, other fields of history such as Diplomatic history, social history, economic history, and military history, as well as constitutional history and public history† (Wikipedia n.p.). Cantor writes from a political history view because he focuses on the impact the Black Death had on Europe. Cantor also writes from a Cultural history view; Cultural History is building on materialism but focuses on language as a historical view and borrows from anthropology and linguistics of people in the past. Cantor writes from this view partially because he analyzes the people that deeply impacted the Black Death and how the cultural world was affected by it. But his main focus was to convey the difference in cultural backgrounds and how they affected the Black Death. It was believed/said that the cause of The Black Death and majority of the plagues that struck Europe were epidemics of the bubonic plague. (CJ Duncan, Scott S). One historian believes that â€Å"the disease was a viral haemorrhagic fever, characterized by long incubation period of 32 days, which allowed it to be spread widely even with the limited transport of the Middle Ages.† It was spread by being emerged from its â€Å"animal host† and then attacked Europe/Asia communities over and over. The Black Plague spread quickly, believed to being spread by animal host, because fleas and rats would transfer it to other animals. Another prediction was that a fleabite would an infected rat; Yersinia Pestis grows in its gut. The Black Death is believed to have started to spread from the human to human with no rats and or fleas involved because places where the plague hit there were no rats. In conclusion to The Black Death and how Cantor wrote in his perspective, it is hard to say what is the deciding factor in what caused the plague all together. Since the plague has many reasons as to what caused the spread they all eventually lead to what happened after, tragedy. The plague affected how people lived their lifestyles, farms were lost and lots of people died. As well as food prices going up because many animals got infected with the plague causing them to die; the farmers weren’t able to provide for themselves or families. Cantor wrote his book with historical facts and key people who set the tone for the book. Other historians did the same but had a different opinion on what caused it. Concluding this The Black Death left the world with open eyes to show how a sickness will affect not only people but religion and money too. Bibliography 1. Black Death.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Lowe's average annual sales Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lowe's average annual sales - Case Study Example The company posts on average third-quarter earnings of 59 cents per share this is from the current financial year estimates and previously audited reports, for instance, the latest annual report was of that figure up from 47 cents a share initially, on revenue of exactly $13.70 billion. Most of the annual sales is attributed to the numerous customers’ transactions within the stores particularly in the US. Similarly using the annual sales of 2013 which are the sales audited and analyzed in public domain, sales for the fourth quarter increased from $11.7 billion to $12.5 billion this is 7.6 percent in just fourth quarter of 2013, in the same year, for instance, there was an increased 7.3 percent comparable sales for the quarter. The annual sales for 2013 can be best used to forecast for sales in previous and later the fiscal years. Generally, the annual sales been boosted due to Value Improvement that have for years enhanced Lowe’s line designs, making them more and more relevant to every markets the company serve, and in the long run enabling the company to maintain perfect in-stock